Lulwah Al Homoud is a Saudi artists who lives and works in the UK and KSA. She recently received the Rawabi Award in London, 2020 for fostering cultural relations between the two countries, and the National Award for Visual Arts in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 2021. Lulwa holds a Masters degree in Islamic Arts from the University of the Arts, London, and worked with the British Museum (2007) on a project for Arab/Islamic art education. Her works have exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions, as well as in the British Museum collection, and several other collections in the US, Europe and the Gulf.
“The ethos of geometry is what my art is concerned with. It led me to experiment with the written word, being the physical structure of sound, constructing new compositions and discovering new rhythms while liberating its form from the norm. By exploring the linkage between the finite and The Infinite, I am able to experiment with a higher level of spatial awareness. These layers of abstract forms can create endless perspectives, allowing new correlations to be defined, inspiring an inner dialogue between different dimensions and unfolding themselves as the viewer stands before them.” - Lulwah Al Homoud